Wednesday, February 2, 2011

call a cab

never drink and drive, 
stay inside and read blogs like the ones below


  1. Hmmm. I wonder if there will ever be a law against drinking and blogging. Just saying!

  2. weell, there is that app where you can retrieve drunken email messages, isn't there?

  3. Good advise, Lesley! I submitted mine. Have a good night and into Thursday.


  4. Fantastic sign! Back in my day, the signs weren't nearly as morally upstanding :)
    Progress is good!

  5. Good, sound advise on the sign, and I love your comment to it :-) Lovely sign!

  6. the color combination reminds me of a Yellow Cab pizza sign.:p

  7. Hello. I remembered on time -- two weeks in a row!! Thanks for doing this meme Lesley. Your work is appreciated.

    I like the taxi sign -- and your post title says it all.

  8. A very important sign with good advice!

  9. I want a phone number like that one! :)

  10. Lesley, I joined your new meme this week. Afraid it took me most of the night to actually get it posted due to house guest. Afraid that I just now had time to go back and read your introduction and list of rules -- which I have already broken.

    You have already visited and left such a nice comment. I thank you for that. I guess you could tell I have a thing about signs. I did not list the source of my signs because the post was written from a different angle, but I will gladly send you the info if you like.

    Thanks for starting this new meme. I actually considered it but we travel so much that I new I would never be able to keep up with it.

    I visited you other blog this evening as well and enjoyed it very much. In case you missed it when you visited my post, I also have a photo blog that features shots from around my area and out travels. I hope that you will find time to check it out.

  11. Of course, don´t drink & drive! Wise sign!
    Have a nice day... Anna
