Wednesday, February 16, 2011

post a sign

The beauty of this meme is that you can simply post your sign on your website, instead of in a mailbox.


  1. The first time I saw a mail box like this one was last year in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. Looks like they are spreading.

  2. no mr linky today? nice one.

    have a lovely week.

  3. Oops! Some how I ended up with two Mister Linky links. Sorry.

  4. They must be replacing them very slowly... I think I have only seen 3 or 4 of them. But they are fun looking.

  5. What a unique design. Its like a wrapped present.

  6. It makes our mailboxes look like frumpy old dowagers.

  7. Like Joy (see an earlier comment) I too thought it was a wrapped gift box

  8. That mailbox certainly has a very modern hip look to it! [Lesley, my first sign for you is a bit feeble, being the sub-plot of another story, but it does tell a story of it's own, especially when you see the whole thing enlarged. :-) ]

  9. this is an attractive mailbox. i was trying to figure out what this is--didn't think it's a mailbox.:p

  10. Fascinating mailbox! Bright and distinct!

  11. Yes, this meme is much better than posting on a mailbox or stapling it to a telephone pole, which is the way people in Oregon do it.

    Thanks for giving us this space!

    (I see that I might have been a little tired yesterday evening when I linked -- apparently I couldn't even spell my own name right!)

  12. I love these mail boxes!

  13. Hi, Lesley

    Sorry I haven't been participating. I've cut back on the memes for a while. I may join you later this week, though!

    Good work on getting people to join in! The word spread quickly.
