Wednesday, October 5, 2011

all visitors

Found in an old school being used as a polling station
It was a bit blurry ... and one cannot really take pictures at a polling station,
so I used Pencil Sketch to highlight the FONT.

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  1. Something new re FONT.

    Clearance is now very strict, since 9/11.

  2. The last thing you want is someone hassling you about taking photos!

  3. I believe this sign even pre-dates 9/11

  4. okay i don't want to report to the office :)

  5. This is a sign that I saw in my school as a child! Even the wording is just about the same and I live in Australia! Good one!

  6. They still have a nearly identical sign at our local schools ... at least they did a few years ago.

    It's probably just as discouraged to take pictures at a polling place as it is at a school. They really didn't like me coming in (to the school) with a camera around my neck!!! I was carefully watched.

  7. It just makes it more challenging when photos are off-limits, yes? Ha ha!

  8. This sign never failed to me give me the jitters when I was still in school - reporting to (principal's) office was always scary! lol. I agree with Pat's comment, the sign urges you to do the opposite! haha.

    Inside Cambodia

  9. I love it, looks very interesting. My signs are abstract.

  10. Good that you got out and voted!
