Wednesday, April 17, 2013

tax time

why April is the cruelest month
when taxes are due


  1. I'm just taking a break now from doing my taxes! Timely post.

  2. I want a pair of those scissors!
    (must start working on mine)

  3. it was pure chaos last Monday, the tax deadline here. why people wait until the last day, i don't know.:p

  4. So April is tax month in Canada as well? I didn't know that. Our deadline was April 15, so it's all done and stamped and sealed and sent.

  5. Lesley, sorry for the two links...maybe you can erase the wrong one... I don't know why I have so much trouble on this, my favorite meme ;>)!!! Thanks for hosting, as always.

  6. I wonder how they say taxes in Arabic.

  7. Like how the X of tax is represented by inverted scissors! Interesting sign! We have our tax frenzy to come! Not till the end of June (end of financial year) do we start!

  8. Looks taxes has no language barrier.

  9. No one escapes taxes! ;-)

    We had ours completed in February. Hubby doesn't like to wait. As soon as that W-2 form arrives, he's making the appointment with the CPA.

  10. We do our taxes as early in Jan as possible - when all the papers are in - and our return has been spent. it is nice to have it out of the way.

  11. Ah, now that is praising one's virtues to the prospective clientele!
