Wednesday, June 5, 2013

gender issues

I think they ran off together


  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2013

    Riding off into the sunset...


  2. Funny sign unless they were your bikes, I guess.

  3. You got me laughing over this one :-)

  4. a different kind of sign, but if I'd posted it, I wouldn't be smiling. if bike theft crimes result the way they do around here, I don't have any positive thoughts.

  5. oh, I also posted a bike... not this one, though.
    but really, bikes are male and female??
    mine's a women's bike. it is sexless. and not even sexy. sigh.

  6. An expected sign, but the owner sounds as if he/she is trying to control desperation! That must be quite devastating to lose new bikes that the owner thought safely stored!

  7. Male and female bikes locked together doesn't sound good unless you are a bicycle. If they eloped hopefully they will return. Funny notice.

  8. I've not heard bikes quite described that way before! Makes for a more interesting story! ;) It DOES sound like they ran off together!

  9. Hilarious! I hope they were pink and blue bikes. That way it will be more clear to people which one is the "male" and which one is the "female". ;)

  10. Sounds a little kinky, since they were chained together.

  11. I'm laughing at the image of the two bikes locked together for eternity.

    (Bike theft is no joke, but still....)

    I am missing signs sigins and can't wait until I get some pictures and can come back. Have been locked in my house on a remodeling project;>)!
