Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ya'll come back now

Our basement was destroyed. Furniture, carpets, books, all out at the curb.
I'm off for a few weeks while we deal with the mess.
I've scheduled a few posts to keep things here moving along.
See you again soon.


Dina said...

Oh no, that's terrible! I'm so sorry for you. Wishing you strength.

RedPat said...

Lesley - that is horrible! Good luck dealing with it all. And thanks for hosting us even in such bad times for you!

Andy said...

Sorry about your disaster. Good lucky in getting things back to normal.

HappyK said...

Oh so sorry to hear of your disaster.

This is my first time posting a sign.

Wayne said...

I'm sorry to hear it was a total loss, good luck, be strong, we're rooting for you!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Keep your pecker up - good luck with the clean-up

Gemma Wiseman said...

I am really so sorry to hear of your troubles. Be strong and take care of yourself.

photodoug said...

Trust you and your family will find the strength to overcome this disaster.

Linda said...

So sorry that you got flooded! Take care.

Nonnie said...

So sorry to hear about your basement flood. You are so thoughtful to keep this meme going what with all that you're dealing with now. I hope the clean-up will get going soon for you.