Wednesday, October 1, 2014

fighting unpopular decisions

'It’s time Canada Post redirect itself to meeting the needs of the people'
message from CUPW (Canadian Union of Postal Workers)


  1. I haven't had door to door mail delivery for decades. I much prefer the SUPERBOX. The mail is locked up and secure. This is great when parcels are delivered. You are able to post you mail there also. ☂

  2. So I wonder if it's what we in the US call a post office box. They are rather small so if one has a big package, I suppose that one would need for the post office to be open in order to pick up such a package. Thankfully, we still have door to door delivery, but the big receiving part of our post office closed a while ago. So even if we're mailing a letter to someone here in Muncie, it goes to Kokomo, then returns to Muncie and is then delivered. More and more all governmental agencies around the world sound alike.

  3. We have a choice between door to door delivery or a small post box at the post office. I imagine the latter may be the only choice in the near future too.

  4. It's interesting that even the union isn't supporting the crown corporation's decision to raise prices and cut services.

  5. I don't have door to door delivery... it's nice to see the public sentiment! How do you feel about it?

  6. Interesting. The USPO is losing money like crazy, but there was a huge outcry when they tried to discontinue Saturday home delivery. I wouldn't care at all. We get our mail once a month from a forwarding service, because we travel so much. And most of it we've already learned about from the Internet!
