Thursday, July 2, 2015

look, a condo

holidays and visitors can make you forget where you are.......
my apologies for forgetting to post on Wednesday.


  1. Shalom Lesley, enjoy your holidays and visitors. :)

  2. Lesley, no need to apologize. I appreciate your efforts on this blog. It is always fun to see the signs people find. Enjoy your 4th of July holiday.

  3. i think i could live in a place like that when the kids are grown! i love hotels! enjoy your guests!

  4. I'm just glad that you continue to host this meme. And happy to hear you had a good weekend, I did too! Watching HGTV shows, I could not ever afford to live in a condo because on top of rent or mortgage payments, they have an added HMO. Yikes!

  5. The sign looks like something from the 1960's.

  6. Window shopping! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. Signage Brisbane plays a highly significant role in establishing an innovative recognition and identity of a company, label or a product in the general public. These are given immense importance since they are to impact the future development of the business.
