Wednesday, July 22, 2015


 new logo                                                                                                              old logo
The Hudson's Bay Company has been around since 1670. 
The old logo had been in use since 1965. A couple of years ago, a new logo was unveiled and is gradually appearing on all the stores.
The department store is still generally known by its nickname The Bay
which do you prefer?


  1. Why change it? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. yes, why change it? even the website is still "thebay" (and they again have that apostrophe problem in Quebec!)

  3. For me, it always was and always will be The Bay.

  4. It will probably always be The Bay - like the Skydome will be the Skydome!

  5. Same here. The Bay it is :)

  6. It's not known in Indiana so I have no opinion. However, changing a name or logo that's worked for so many years does not make sense to me.

  7. I like the touch of style in the old logo. It gives the sign some creative uniqueness. The new sign is quite ordinary.

  8. The Bay for me. Less effort. :-)

  9. not sure since we don't have the stores in the UK but the people who think these changes up seem to charge a lot for the privilege.

  10. AnonymousJuly 22, 2015

    Lots of lettering in the new logo but easier to read...maybe they are going after the older crowd who will be able to read the sign better LOL!

  11. Well, the full name Hudson's Bay means more, but it looks too long. I think they could do better than just The Bay, though. I mean, we heard about the company and it's fur traders in history class.
