Wednesday, May 4, 2016

and drink Coca Cola

Philip & Greenaway
The wholesale trade in fruits, produce, etc, is being rapidly developed, and ranks among our more enterprising pursuits. Port Hope affords a good centre for fruit and produce operations, and among those identified with the trade is that of Messrs Philip & Greenaway. The business has been conducted by the above firm for the past 18 years. This house has built up a nice trade, which extends over a territory covering 150 miles. They are wholesale fruit and produce merchants and deal in fruits and produce of all kinds. The highest cash price paid for eggs is a special feature. Their warerooms are located on John Street, phone 22. The superior facilities enjoyed by this firm, dealing largely, buying for cash, and dealing always directly with farmers and fruit growers, enables them to offer their customers superior inducements. They always handle an excellent class of goods, and are fair and honourable in all their dealings. Personally Messrs F H Philip and W Greenaway, the proprietors, are energetic and thorough men of business, with a record of which they can well afford to feel proud.
From Port Hope Businesses, 1916


  1. one cool find here!

  2. AnonymousMay 04, 2016

    Great sign and interesting write-up for the company.

  3. Love these old signs. They represent so much history.

  4. Definitely among my favourite style of signs. the old red brick makes a great back drop.

  5. That is a great old sign. Sounds like we could use a fine business like this today.

  6. That is a wonderful ghost sign!

  7. Looks like they sold a bit of everything.

  8. That place certainly sold a huge variety of goods!

  9. powerful.

  10. very fine theme,
    happy may
