Wednesday, June 8, 2016

eye chart

this makes me want to play word search...


Penelope Postcards said...

I have sat in front of many such eye charts over the years wishing I had 20/20 vision.

Tom said...

until recently I couldn't read the E

Gemma Wiseman said...

A familiar sign. Quite confronting at times.

Nonnie said...

Because of recently having had cataract surgeries, I can a lot more of these lines than I've been able to for decades. I just finished doing a word search puzzle so I can see why you'd see the chart in that way.

RedPat said...

A good one for the meme, Lesley!

Tony McGurk said...

Ha Ha!!! I will have to remember your "this makes me want to play word search" comment next time I need to visit the Optometrist for new glasses or do the eye test at the Transport Dept to renew my Driver's Licence

Anonymous said...


Tony McGurk said...

I don't know if you can update my link or not but I've moved my post for Tony in Tasmania to my Transport blog Transportography at this link