Wednesday, June 1, 2016

made to fit


  1. That looks a lot like the old Singer sewing machine my mom had and used to fashion many amazing things for her kids.

  2. I wonder if the young would reognize the machine as a sewing machine. Is that a handle sticking out whereas one must turn it to sew?

  3. Great design and love the background colour of the sign. So rich and deep.

  4. My mother didn't sew and it was routine to have family clothing altered and mended by a "sewing lady" .

  5. Oops, sent too soon, silly IPad. I do wonder nowadays how many people use such services. Clothing is relatively inexpensive it seems to me. Anyway, cool sign, fun memories. And as always, thanks!

  6. Ah, I have my mom's old machine and it looks like this. It was electric. The little handle is used after you fill the bobbin and you need to catch the thread from it to pull it upward.

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