Wednesday, August 7, 2019


It seems that Simply Linked has been run out of town - it no longer exists.
I'm not very tech savvy and am so thoroughly confused by the other options I've tried.

So, I think this will be the last of this link party.
Please, one last time, leave your link to your sign in the comments.

It has been a fun eight and a half years and I have enjoyed all your entries and comments.
Thank you, one and all!

EDIT: Good News. Tom has offered to take over Signs, Signs. 
Head over to Tom the Backroads Traveller NEXT WEEK for a new round.
Thank you so much, Tom.


  1. That is too bad Lesley. Maybe a techie like Tom would like to take it over. Thanks for all of those years of work. My sign is at

    Hope to see this return in some form. I'm not tech savvy at all and have an ancient computer so I can't do it.

  2. That is such a bummer Lesley. I’ve had trouble linking up for a long time here, but still even when I didn’t have signs it has been one of my favorite link parties to visit. This week my post has a couple of half-decent ones : ..... Thank you so much for hosting this party ...your efforts have been so appreciated ; it has been fun to get together with others who like to take pictures of the written word!

  3. Oh no. I'm really not too savvy with these either. I hope you find help in getting a linky up soon. In the meantime my link is here:

  4. No! We must find a way to continue!

  5. Its a pity but it was also fun. We all will find something else.

  6. ...if your aren't going to continue I host Signs starting next week.

  7. The other option — for me to continue — would be for everyone to add their link to the comments section

  8. Hi Tom, I think we both commented at the same time!
    Using a linky is preferable, I think, to using the comments section. and if you are willing and able, then I am happy to pass the baton on to you!
    I tried two other link ups, but can't get either to co-operate, and you seem to have several link ups already!! busy man, you are :)

  9. ...Lesley I've always enjoy linking to your post, how about linking to mine next week?

    Next week I will begin to host Sign2

    If you enjoy Signs please join Sing2. The link opens at 12:00 AM Eastern time each Wednesday and closes at 11:55 PM on Saturday. I hope to see you!

  10. What a sad message :(
    On the other hand, I think all are grateful to Tom for undertaking this task.

    Thanks Lesley!

  11. Yes, I've had issues with linking lately, and I must thank Lesley for leading such a brave group.

  12. So sorry to hear of these troubles, Lesley. So happy Tom has agreed to host the Signs site. Thank you so much for allowing all of us to share the signs we find.

  13. Three exits for a population of less that 3,000! :-)

  14. Thank you for hosting.

  15. Thanks again Lesley ... I hope you find time to blog again yourself occasionally ; hate to losecompletr track of you and I really used to enjoy your blog. Was glad to learn Tom would take over.
