Tuesday, December 28, 2010

signs, signs, everywhere a sign

A new photo meme by Lesley of Southern Ontario, discovered will start in January 2011.
Yeah, I know, there just aren't enough memes for you all! This one will be based on SIGNS
We are surrounded by them and with so many with interesting fonts and characters there should be a fount of photographic opportunity. There are neon signs and lit up signs, ghost signs painted on the sides of buildings, billboards and shop signs with laugh out loud names. Some are handwritten on utility poles, some have unintelligible misspellings. And then there is the most obvious: street signs. A sign that may seem mundane to you, will likely be interesting to someone else who has never seen it before. If you can, provide a bit of background to your sign post -  where it is located, its history or local significance, or just what attracted you to it in the first place.

The usual rules will apply
McLinky will be up at 4PM Eastern Standard Time or Midnight Central European Time
on the Wednesday of each week until the Saturday of the same week.


  1. I'm looking forward to my first posting.

  2. Yay!
    This hosting is all very new for me
    (but exciting)
