Saturday, January 1, 2011

coming soon

(Mississauga, a new restaurant is opening on South Service Road)
The link will be up on Wednesday January 5th 
at 4PM Eastern Standard Time.
I hope you are all ready to start collecting - or sorting through your archival - photos of interesting and illuminating signs.
I think you all know the rules, but here is a refresher:
  • post any original photo that has been taken by yourself (or belongs to you)
  • link back to signs, signs, so others will know where to go if they wish to join
  • visit other participants' blogs and comment so they know you have visited
  • any type of signage is acceptable
  • to make it more meaningful, please add some context to the photo (eg. where it was taken, some background to what the sign represents) because I will ask. I am nosy interested that way.
  • if anyone wants a badge thingy and knows how to do that, let me know
See you on Wednesday!



  1. January 4 is Tuesday, isn't it? And 4 pm couldn't be a worse time for me: 5 am. :-D But we'll see... will be a fun meme.

  2. You can post anytime once the linky is up.

    It should be January 5th. WEDNESDAY afternoon

  3. Good luck to you. I already have 4 Wednesday memes. Thanks, but I will pop in and say Hi.

  4. Ann: it will be Thursday already in NZ!
