Tuesday, January 4, 2011

thanks and an apology

Hamilton hair stylist
So, there I was, trying to fit my ever expanding collection of sign photos into as many different memes as I could, when Pagan Sphinx casually mentioned in a comment that she had been looking for a signs meme as well and couldn't find one. Being ever so eager to please, I decided, one sleepless night, to start my own. And after a week of doggedly advertising and enticing others to join in, Francisca finally pointed out my first glaring error. And it was a doozy.

I could blame it on not having a current 2011 calendar at hand, my excited, yet sleep-deprived state, trying to figure out the time zones of the world ... or too much chocolate and spiked egg nog over Christmas... or just my own stupidity.

For a variety of reasons, I settled on Thursday as the perfect day, with an advance linky up and running on Wednesday afternoons. Wednesday is the 5th of January, but I have been telling everyone to meet on Wednesday the 4th. For this inaugural week only, the linky will be up today (which is indeed the 4th, but not Wednesday) and open until Saturday, so join in at any time and come back often to see who else is at the party. Next week the linky will be up at its proper and regular time of  Wednesdays at 4pm EST
Sorry for the confusion.
P.S. I hope this works, but I will be at work and won't know until later this evening....


  1. Don't worry about the mix-up, it's really not a big deal. I've been looking forward to posting here all week! And I love your sign, by the way - it's adorable :)

  2. Count me in as another fan that has been looking forward to my first post. I'm glad you discovered your error. I never noticed and was ready to Linky on Wednesday. All the best in getting many followers to your site.

  3. I have a rather large collection of signs collection that have been waiting for such a venue!

  4. I'm in. Let the sign sighting begins.

  5. ... once when i was young, i had hair ...

    What an interesting challenge of a theme. It would indeed be great to find something worth to participate next week as well. Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  6. No problem with the date;o)
    I'll come back again as soon as I find some nice signs to shoot!
    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment;o)

    All my best wishes for the new year****

  7. Good theme, I'm joining in!

  8. i will join next week.:p

  9. This looks fun .... I'll start gathering material when I'm out and about.

  10. This is a very cool meme! I'll try to join you next week.

  11. Perhaps I will see you here next Wednesday.

  12. Thanks to Pagan Sphinx, I found your new meme! I so love signs and I have just posted one for Ruby Tuesday! I will link it to your next post!

    Also, I have created a badge for your meme, if you would like to use it. AND I run a blog called Meme-Aholics. I have added this badge and link to you for this Thursday's posting!


  13. Thanks, Greyscale!
    I should have let you know; I've seen your Meme-Aholics.

  14. What a lovely sign!
    Thanks for visiting my Blue Monday post!
