Wednesday, January 12, 2011

stop and stay awhile

a corner store in Oakville (that sells a great assortment of plants and flowers all summer)

Thank you to all who participated last week and a big welcome to new participants! 
I think we have a nice variety of signs for your enjoyment, so don't forget to visit everyone.


  1. I thank you for this theme day, which did open me eyes to see many so far unseen signs.
    Please 'don't stop' providing it; a wonderful Thursday for you all.

    daily athens

  2. happy to have you on board!

  3. Yes, one should definitely stop here :-)

  4. thank you for hosting this fun meme. i've posted my first here.

    i wonder if "Bong" is a Filipino.:p

  5. sorry I'm late... but I made it! And I like your sign! Looks like a nice flower shop, too :)

  6. Luna: I wondered about their nationality, too.

  7. That stop sign is very conveniently placed for the flower shop! A great find!

  8. What a fun theme! I'll be on the lookout for signs. :)

  9. Back again Lesley!
    To get the badge I made for you, right click on it and save it in your My Pictures file first for both of the folowing!

    Upload it to your sidebar - Go to Design, upload it to the option of Picture and include a link to your blog. Then press Save!

    Upload it to your post - Click on Insert Picture, then don't forget to click on your picture, then Hyperlink to link it to your blog. Then press Save!

  10. I was thinking of this post driving home from school yesterday. Hope to post itblate. It is not a red and colorful as your, but it is pretty comical. Genie

  11. As I told you before, this is a very cool meme and I'll try to find more sign shots to keep on participating.

  12. hee hee...
    Your comment about purple water reminds «Louis» of
    I've never seen a purple cow.
    I never hope to see one.
    But I can tell you anyhow,
    I'd rather see than be one!

  13. This sign is so darn funny. Glad I stumbled across this. I'll try and remember to join in. I'm always seeing silly things that make you want to scratch your head.

  14. Hi Lesley this meme is cool. Want to get on board this week. Is this every Wednesday?

  15. In Amsterdam, it might have been "Variety of Bongs" ;-P

  16. I'll remember this meme!

    Fun photo you bring ;-)

  17. Kim, yes, this is every Wednesday. Would love to see your contributions
