Wednesday, March 2, 2011

full serve

Here's something not seen every day...

(and the price has gone up considerably since I took this shot!)
We also have a full service meme, so kick back and see what's under the hood of everyone else's signs.


  1. I only saw a full service station in Oregon. I don't think this service is being offered here in CA at all.

  2. And we used think that was a high price. Just remember the HST (BST) is on gasoline. It's based on a percentage so the government gets more. Great start for today's posting, Lesley.

  3. Great sign, Lesley! Watching the price of gas go up has become our new national pastime...LOL!

    Imagination Lane

  4. Over here there's no chance of any service at all at a gas station. And in spite of all our oil, we probably have the most expensive gas in the world! Today it was US$ 2,34 pr. liter, multiply by 4 for a US gallon.
    Great sign!

  5. Full serve stations are few and far between. My first job was pumping gas. You got your gas pumped, windshield washed and oil checked for .29 US/gallon. Of course, I was making $6.00 for a 10-hour work day.

  6. A no-frills sign, pretty functional.

  7. And we love your full-service meme!

    (BTW, Oregon is one of only two states in the US that does not allow patrons to pump their own gas. I miss it!)

  8. We pump our own petrol in Australia! Our petrol is currently 138.00 a litre in Victoria. It's showing little sign of going backwards! Interesting seeing these signs from elsewhere in theworld!

  9. I can't recall the last time I visited a full service station.

    I visited your ghost photo on the wall and could not find a way to link a comment.

    Just wanted to say that there are a lot of those weathering away signs in my town. Some are amazing.

  10. You guys get your posts done so early! I always seem to be at the end. You certainly don't see many full-service stations anymore.

  11. never mind - I love it when I see a new contribution on Thurs afternoon!

  12. Full service - rare indeed.

  13. Still a lot cheaper than lots of other places

  14. Lesley, my first submission. No themes, right? My contribution is sooo late. I have been sorting out my fotos from my recent trip to China and found these.Will they do?
    Is this a weekly meme?

  15. Thanks for visiting!
    Glad that you enjoyed my parrot tulips.
    I'm your new follower.

  16. I don't even want to go there-and it's only going to get worse!!!! I need an economical car!

  17. Wow, that was a long time ago.

  18. Sorry!!! I linked this week without checking to see that this is your last week's post.

  19. full service is sadly missed i always found them helpful
