Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Eaton's - inhouse or outhouse

EATON'S, a Canadian Classic
Our numbers are increasing, too! Don't forget to come back and visit the later contributers posts - you never know what you might be missing.


  1. A catalog for all one's needs and desires?

  2. Oh my,yes. I am glad I am not old enough to remember those days, except anecdotally!

  3. Yes, the Eaton's catalogue is a classic and now a piece of history. Where did you get the photo of the 1902 edition? Your outhouse comment gave me a chuckle. What's next, Pumpkinhead? Lesley, just to let you know I am having a lot of fun with your sign meme. Thanks.

  4. I agree with Andy, this meme is so much fun!
    I am old enough to remember the outhouse days, but over here mail order catalogues did not exist then. So usually old newspapers were torn up in strips...
    Great photos to start off with this week!

  5. Yes great meme.
    I wonder it it is a cultural difference Inger-M, we had squares. A catalogue would have been luxury, LOL.

  6. This was found at the Museum of Steam and Technology in Hamilton.

  7. Thank you for sharing something that I have never seen nor heard about.
    Interesting indeed.
    Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  8. I would like to see a sign that looked that way now. It is 3.45 here as of today, and going up.

  9. there were no mail order catalogs around here in the old days. i guess folks were using dried banana leaves then. LOL


  10. Those catalogues were so eagerly anticipated when I was a teenager in small town Ontario...a tantalizing glimpse into the wider world we seemed to be missing out on! I actually grew up to work in an Eaton's store and loved being part of a true Canadian institution!!

    Imagination Lane

  11. Oh my goodness! I do remember eagerly awaiting the Sears catalog, but that is *not* why!!
    Have a great week!

  12. O help! I didn't know anything about this! Incredible piece of history! Great photos!

  13. I always loved the catalogues when they arrived but thank heaven we didn't have an outhouse!

  14. great post and photo subjects! how interesting! :-)

  15. Fun post, I grew up on the Eatons catalogue shopping, lots of fun marking pages to remember favorites

  16. Very interesting post. I'll have to keep this meme in mind for whenever I see an interesting sign.

  17. I've never heard of a Eatons catalog-neat!
