Wednesday, March 16, 2011

grab yourself one

The weather is getting warmer up here in the northern half of the planet, time to think of patios ... 
and cold ones.
In Ontario, The Beer Store used to be called Brewers Retail, but it was thought too many tourists may not know what that meant, so it was dumbed down to a simpler name, 
one that most people probably called it anyway.


  1. simple and straightforward.:p
    beer stores here are busy all-year round.

    Signs @ Live in the Moment

  2. A very direct name! And love how the "B" is like a cool glass of beer!

  3. It would be nice having a Beer Store nearby. I live in a dry county. Buying a beer requires a thirty-five mile drive.

  4. That is funny - and dumbed down is the perfect way to describe it!
    Have a great week!

  5. This covers your question on my blog about the window view. Lesley, SS #7 was a former school house in Grey County. I believe SS stands for School Section. All public schools had the number system.

  6. See the word, want a drink. Like the bubbly B.

  7. Revealing my age bracket, I was buying beer in Canada when the only place licensed to sell it was the government liquor store. I'm all for straightforward language, so The Beer Store suits me fine... and I'm not dumb. ;-)

  8. Being a wine, rather than beer drinker, I'm afraid I would pass by that shop without giving it a second look.
    Nicely designed sign though!

  9. I like this sign!
    marina [mine is here=>

  10. Hi... this is my first time to join :) Found it at Gemma's Greyscale Territory blog.
    At this kind of weather here in Phnom Penh, my husband won't be able to resist stopping and getting a pint after seeing that sign.

    Inside Cambodia

  11. Enjoyed your blog and visit today. Nice beer commercial.

  12. At least you can't mistake it for anything else but a beer shop!
    Rosie@travel-itales and mygardenhaven
