Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Someone wants to make sure they get mail addressed to them and not 'anonymous' or 'homeowner'!

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  1. oops, sorry. I did something with the linky that I shouldn't have... but all is good now. I hope.

  2. A fine tribute to Snail Mail.

  3. I love the mail slot in a door. We have just a regular old mailbox on the house next to our door.

  4. I haven't had home delivery in 38 years. After moving into my new home we ended up with a super box on the street corner.

  5. mail must have been so much smaller back in the day!

  6. Boy, I haven't seen one of those mail slots in years! Nice... Ours is just a box in front of our gate and still the newspaper often gets thrown on the garage ground.

  7. Over here no-one get to keep the mailbox by their house any more. The mail department decides where a neighborhood mail box stand can be located, and everyone have to put up their mail boxes there. Ours is 200 meters from our house.

  8. Oh, gorgeous! I love those old-style, "real" signs :)

  9. First time here. I loved seeing all the unusual signs.

  10. This is one thing we don't have here in Cambodia. You either rent a PO box or risk losing all your mails. There's not enough manpower and budget to hire postal workers who deliver mails house-to-house :(

    Inside Cambodia

  11. I love the metal slot for the mail.

  12. Mail slots in doors are almost a museum piece these days! We have individual mail boxes near the front of the house by the driveway, but country areas have their boxes grouped together usually near a corner!

  13. Mail slots in doors are common in certain parts of the big city here, but as we are rural, we have our own box at the end of the driveway.

    I found your meme through Gemma at Greyscale Territory - this looks fun!

  14. I found you for the first time today. This is a great theme! Thanks for being here.

  15. What I perceive is a mail slot that might not have a slot. The Hendersons might not want junk mail to be delivered to their home, so they sealed up the slot?
    Interpreting signs is what I enjoy about your meme, Lesley.

  16. interesting theory, Rosi, but I stuck my hand in and it was a real mail slot!
