Wednesday, October 30, 2013

quiet, please

seen at a dog park in Cabbagetown


Wayne said...

The operative word there is 'Responsible' ...

RedPat said...

There must have been a lot of bickering going on near that park!

Marleen said...

..and mayble people should not be allowed to speak? Haha this is so funny ;))

Anonymous said...

I'm going to choose to think that they are referring to continuous barking.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I hope the irresponsible owners want to get better!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A nice? way to nudge dog owners to think about others. I am wondering if this is a private sign on a front gate? Next to neighbours with dogs? Hmmm

Lesley said...

this is a City of Toronto sign on a public dog park

Susan Demeter said...

Newb from Toronto here 1st time playing along :) Looks like a fun meme I'm always encountering odd signs :)

Pat said...

Although I love dogs, it always seems like some dog owners never hear their OWN dog barking!

Gerald (SK14) said...

I can't believe they are serious

~Cheryl said...

Just goes to prove that there are signs for Every Thing ... :)

LindyLouMac said...

Oh sure you can stop a dog barking!

Nonnie said...

Lindy, there are ways, such as a shock collar, but I doubt if many dog owners would use them. And the Dog Whisperer gets it done by that psst sound her makes. Our town just opened a dog park, but I haven't visited it yet since I don't have a dog.

Gattina said...

Poor dogs. Mostly they bark because they are left alone the whole day. Sometimes TV helps.
BTW it would be useless to put signs in Flemish on my blog as nobody besides the Dutchs can understand this language. And not a lot of people understand French either.

Anonymous said...

I like this sign! I have seen some pretty funny signs in Toronto too. I love when I see them in public.