Wednesday, December 4, 2013

free parking

for your Christmas shopping


Dina said...

Free parking! What a nice incentive to shop downtown.

Jim said...

We need more of these.

Gerald (SK14) said...

good incentive

Andy said...

Parking control playing a joke? :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! wish that happened around here.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

That's quite enlightened. We have constantly rising parking fees, reducing numbers of car parking spaces and a city council hell bent of raising revenue through parking fines...

Tanya Breese said... you extra time to shop! we have free parking dowtown on sundays, or maybe it's the whole weekend, can't remember!

Nonnie said...

how thoughtful of your I suspect they are hoping for more shoppers downtown! any way, I would appreciate free parking.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Like the temporary nature of this sign. Even the wind might have a hand in changing it. But grab the free parking while it lasts.

Halcyon said...

That can't be in Toronto! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I could find signs in Toronto like this. This is just wonderful! Finding this would make my day.