Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Signless Wednesday

no sign today, 
and sorry for the delay. 
internet woes ....


Anonymous said...

Bummer! Sorry for your internet issues!

Lesley said...

It was a lonely day and a half!

Taken For Granted said...

Sorry to hear about your problems. Perhaps you can attach a sign later when your connection is restored.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thanks for getting the link up anyway -- I HATE having internet problems; but know that everybody does occasionally. Best luck.

Gerald (SK14) said...

it happens to us all from time to time

Tom said...

oh those internet woes

Gemma Wiseman said...

Internet issues can create some major disruptions in life. Hope it is sorted soon.

Nonnie said...

I hate when that happens; I've also had problems with Blogspot at times. I hope things are rectified for you soon. Thanks for making your meme available to us in spite of your internet problems.

RedPat said...

I am not happy at all when that happens! We do depend on being connected so much!

Tony McGurk said...

We've become so dependent on the internet that it's such a disappointment & annoyance when we have access problems

Halcyon said...

Hope the internet woes are worked out quickly! There's nothing worse than being "offline".

Iremonger Lindsay JacoBus Quinlan Pickens said...

no sign of expression,
but silence, empty mindset, and wordless face.

Iremonger Lindsay JacoBus Quinlan Pickens said...

i mean your post is interesting.

Anonymous said...

amazing one.

Marissa Biden Sergey Christina Murphy said...

no words,
but empty yet boiling thoughts.