Wednesday, March 30, 2016


While at a bus stop the other night, I noticed this sign behind me. It took a long time to decipher the name. And the shop is empty and under renovations. I'll let you try to read it for yourselves!


Marleen said...

Hmm..I need some help with this :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is clever signage - challenging the curious to spend time working it out. I see 'sewing machine'and 'fabric' for a start.

Tom said...

I'm not up to the challenge

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I got the top smaller line but could not make out the fancy large lettering...

Anonymous said...


Nonnie said...

Not only backwards but upside down! I got all but the second word of the bigger letters and guessed that the capital letter is a "D". I was right- I think I figure that years of my checking kids' work while standing facing the children helped me.

Taken For Granted said...

I was able to figure it out. The store must have remounted the sign while the store is being renovated. This was a great challenge. Thank you for posting this.

RedPat said...

It took a while to figure out!

Dina said...

Ha! Wonder what happened to the poor sign.


Hold a mirror near your screen and read it more easily. :)

Tanya Breese said...

it's like it just fell right over!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Funny and great catch ... and I need a mirror! I see fabric and classes, so I can guess what the store is I guess. Too much work for the casual passerby I should think.

Halcyon said...

Quilters dream?